Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Matzo & Poached White Fish...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Sit under the warm sky, doll. You won't be able to see the sun anyway. Your sweat smells like two-day-old flowers and your eyes are the color of raisons. Let's make dinner out of something in the neighbors trash can. Let's find the tallest hill in the city and pin a love note to the tallest tree at the top. Let's sit face to face and I'll inhale the breath out of your mouth. Let's fill a dish with old tomatoes and drop it out of the window. The cracks in the street are the shape of rain as it trickles down your slicker, but not the same, love, they're not the same.
Friday, October 2, 2009

I've been waiting to do this. Wanting to be alone and free of time and willing to write again. I wonder if the full moon has been influential. I can list the ways the moon has done its mysterious deeds today. It was an unusual day. On my bike on the way to school, I noticed a brilliant sun and the sky was creme-fraiche, it was a perfect day. The kind that make you want to have damp feet from the garden floor, and hear music in your pockets. The days that make it easier to imagine being in a different city and in another decade. To play make-believe. I still play that game. It's not as easy as when I was seventeen. It makes me sad because when I was seventeen, I didn't know

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

'Motorman' excerpt meets bedtime story...

Monday, August 24, 2009

I've gotta big big big big heart beat,
yeah I think you are the sweetest thing
I wear a coat of feelings
and they are loud
I've been having good days
Think we are the right age
To start our own peculiar ways
With good friendly homes
You get me freaked freaked freaked on Preakness
Never met a girl that
likes to drink with horses
Knows her chinese ballet
Must admit you smell like
fruity nuts and good grains
When you show my purple gaze
A thing or two at night
Make me sick sick sick to kiss you
and I think that i woud vomit
But I'll do that on mondays
I dont have a work way
I like it when I bump you
an accident's a truth gate
I'm humbled in your pretty lense
I'll hold you dont you go
Sometimes you're quiet and sometimes I'm quiet.
Sometimes I'm talkative and sometimes you're not talkative,
I know....
Well i'd like to spread your perfume around the old apartment
Could we live together and agree on the same wares?
A trapeze is a bird cage
even if its empty and defintintely fits the room
And we would toooo
And my dear dear dear khalana
I talk too much about you
Their ears are getting tired of me singing all the night through
Lets just talk together
You and me and me and you
And if theres nothing much to say
Well, silence is a bore
I've gotta big big big big heart beat,
yeah I think you are the sweetest thing
I wear a coat of feelings
and they are loud
I've been having good days
Think we are the right age
To start out own peculiar ways
With good friendly homes?
Sometimes you're quiet and sometimes I'm quiet
Sometimes I'm talkative and sometimes you're not talkative
i know....
Sometimes you hear me when others they can't hear me.
Sometimes I'm naked and thank god Sometimes you're naked.
Well, hello.....
Can I tell you that you are the purple in me?
Can I call you just to hear you,
would you care?
When I saw you put your purple finger on me
There's a feelin' in your bottle
Found your bottle, found your heart
Gives a feeling from your bottled little part
Gotta crush high
Thought I crushed all I could
Crushed all I can
then I touched your hand
Crush high
Don't want it to stop
Cause stories of your brother make my crush high pop
And you couldnt really know cause its in my toes
And sometimes i wonder whered that crush high go
Crush high
then i go and take some pills
Cause i cant do all of my dos and still feel ill
You get that whooooooo
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Today I raced for the first time in 3 weeks. My head hurt toward the end and I sat up but it's ok because I still made $300 and a new pair of Pearl Izumi shorts. I lost my motivation in the men's race, I needed to see 5 laps to go in order to pull something out of my wattage cottage, also known as ass, but the lap cards, they weren't coming, the lap cards, where were they? Then I sat up and: LAP CARDS. My life needs lap cards. I shouldn't have given up. I was sitting in about middle of the field when I quit. Why'd I do it? I didn't care anymore, apathy... ugly.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009

American Apparel 2012 Catalog & My Vertically Integrated Farm

Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm destined to never have more than 7 hours of sleep. It's my life's quest. Soon it will begin to happen. Soon! I was on the right path tonight... a nice, solid tempo ride, a delicious dinner dancing through all the food groups and back again, no alcohol, lots of water, a hot shower, a facial, a clean room, a prepped coffee machine, and then... then, I found out about Raymond Scott. And now - I'm completely and senselessly enamored with this new discovery. 'Manhattan Research, Inc.' is officially a lullaby. Thank you Petter.
Friday, June 26, 2009

Lately I've been having a lot of dreams about driving cars that have failing breaks. It's the most out of control feeling, I remember my second car had its breaks go out while I was driving and it's a feeling that, apparently, one never forgets and lately I've been feeling that same sense of panic in my sleep. And even still, in these dreams I'll keep driving the car and experiencing the break failure over and over again. They're usually other people's cars too. The one earlier last week was in my grandma's car, I was steering from the back seat and someone else was controlling the foot pedals, from the front seat. We couldn't coordinate our steering and acceleration. I didn't know if or when the car was going to stop or go and then the brakes were shot on top of it. Last night I was driving the parent's car of someone I know. I kept crashing it, I wasn't leaving a good impression on them! I wanted to impress them.

What happened? The young summer has matured overnight into a wrath of blistering, heavy heat. We're at its mercy, standing under the waves of dissipating solar power, falling over us in particles. Smouldering blankets of hot winds and crazy energy.
I'm lying around on my bed while glimpsing out the window. I can see the heat rise in gassy little bits of curling waves off the streets and rooftops. I realize ironically that I have a summer cold. It makes me feel hot have to fight off the urge to sneeze every time I roll over. I knew something was off last month, something was wrong. Then I went straight into a few weeks out of town to race hard, driving me into the ground. I've been so tired since I've been home, so down. Now it's been a week, working with the sick, and I'm sick again. The same thing happened when I returned from racing in California... I push my immune system into overload racing and pick up some sort of little microbe on a mission at work. Well I'm home now, ready to relax and recover my legs from racing. I guess the recovery has now moved into other areas as well; as long as it stays out of my lungs, that's all I ask.
///Tonight I've had time to think, in my bed, where the best thinking occurs. I've realized my mind has been running around playing with new colors, stirring forgotten emotions.
My eyes are parched, they've been looking in a distant direction, looking at the sun, blinding them. Now it's difficult to discern anything familiar or unrecognizable, perhaps instead rediscovery through touch. It feels like being outside on a sunny day, then running indoors and everything is dark while all the little rods and cones adjust to the state of things. I feel my way around reaching out for the wall that I know is safe and there.
I'd been wrapping myself up, in a spell that ended being only caused by myself and a figment of my imagination. It was unfamiliar and exciting and fun and odd and WONDERFUL! But now reeling and lying here in bed, alone, thinking. My head hurts and I know all I need is sleep but I cannot.
//////He's found a doll. It's small and seemingly resilient and stuffed with wool and wrapped in a pinkish felt. It's a not much of a doll but it amuses him. It has pearls for eyes and pink lips, her hair is drab and brown like boots. He places a small wreath around the top of the dolls head and it stings because it is made of barbs that attach roughly to her woolen skull. It's like purple thistles but it's not, it's made of needles from the sea. They glow an indescribable color that exists outside of the spectrum. Their color makes up the ink that pulses inside these otherwise invisible creatures that dwell in caverns at the bottoms of the deepest oceans. They can only be found by those who are lost. He's collected these needles all his life. They're shaped like barbs and he weaves delicate wreaths and sometimes necklaces with them.
He finds the old scissors he used in grammar school to cut Valentine's cards. His fingers are too thick now, but he pushes the tips inside the holes. He begins to cut through the smallish ruffled neckline of her pale & yellow dress that looks like a tulip. He runs the blade along the lines of her torso, following possible nerves and imaginary bones. Its blade is so cold, but it feels like heat. Burning her, he misses and cuts the flesh a little bit. He sews it up with pink staples.
Letters From L.A.

Oct 22, 1983
Dear Sean,
I'm sitting in the penthouse apartment of some friends in Century City. It's kind of late in the afternoon and I'm very relaxed. Someone gave me a Dalmane (I think I've spelled it right) because I had a headache and they told me it would help it. I feel very comfortable and relaxed right now. This is the first time I can remember since I was a kid that I am glad and content to be where I am. I don't know if you have ever felt like this, but I've always felt very uncomfortable and impatient with wherever I happen to be after a certain point. I get bored and irritated and everything I think is in the future tense (maybe like the way you got up suddenly that night we were all sitting in the Cafe and you looked at me and abruptly left). I've always felt jumpy, like I couldn't stay in one place for any length of time. But something's changing. Totally rad (short for "radical"), as we say around here.
This is not going to be much of a letter because we're about to go out to dinner soon because someone made reservations at Spago and we're leaving in an hour to and hour and a half, someone says. What I want to tell you mostly is that I'm thinking about you and hope you are all right. Are you? Will you write me? I want to hear fromyou. Please?
The Informers, Bret Easton Ellis, (pg 139) Vintage Contemporaries, New York, 1994
"I Know Where The Summer Goes' By Ryan McGinley

I think I'm just really, really bored. Totally under stimulated. I fear feeling plain, ordinary, bland, old, stale. I wait and wait and wait and wait for Ross to finish school missing out of years of my life that could have been filled with something more... not living in the burbs with my parents while he finishes year after year. Sure I've made the most of it, but I can't shake the feeling of what I'm missing out on. I'll be almost 32 by the time he's done. Aging scares me. I feel so anxious. I'm so tired of The South, just can't shake the feeling of disappointment.
I'll try to try be a little more positive for the remainder of the weekend. I'm going north, to almost Oklahoma and it will be a really nice change, long country roads and fresh air. I haven't been there in months, it's going to be great. I'm leaving tonight.

More waiting, I'm good at waiting, particularly in a Victorian house, on a balcony, overlooking the final stretch on today's race course. The parked cars are slowly dwindling in number off their place on the streets of Uptown Minneapolis. The air is crisp and chilly with cloud coverage. In 1 hour I'll begin my warm up but for now I'm meditating with my computer, some ambient writings, photographs, and my feet are up! I'm finding a place of my own to clear my thoughts and fill them with words and images that correspond in no particular direction other than that they exist together and this brings me peace of mind. I'm holding on to these serendipitous notions because in 2 hours I'll be sucking air through my ears at speeds of 30 miles an hour with the best women's field in the western hemisphere. It's going to be fast and relentless, yet I find it fun because where else can I go to ride my bike as fast as humanly possible with nothing to hold me back except myself? No stop lights, cars, people... just a hundred other girls who are really, really strong. I'm beginning to feel charged, my tummy is starting to turn, the hairs on my neck are starting to stand. My endorphins are alerting me to danger and they'll make me go fast, those wicked little buzzbots. The adrenaline rushes through me like a warm wash, just under my sternum spinning though my chest. Time to push the body to the limit and see what it can do. Time to push, push, push.
Star Date: Walk Me Into the Unknown