Photo: Ryan McGinley
At 3 am this morning I showered, but then I had to do my ab workout before bed so that I wouldn't feel like I wasted the day and fell off schedule. I'm like that with so many things, it's good but weird. I strive so hard to stay on track or I wander off like a lost satellite. I sleep better knowing I do what I need to do. I don't remember too many dreams from my last sleep, except, one about a traveling bag with a name embroidered on it, except the name was misspelled.
While I was drudging my way through the 3 am core workout, I lost count with every exercise because I was talking with Alan, the blogger staying with us during the North American Handmade Bicycle Show this weekend. I'm really starting to adore this guest, he's a super down to earth, awesome fellah from the Adriatic sea. He introduced us to Dalmatia fig spread. If you see it, get it. A neat-o side note about Alan is he went to school and worked with a favorite photographer of mine, Ryan McGinley before Ryan launched into his photography stardom - and Alan's blog is pretty awesome I might add.
I knew I'd be sleeping-in today so last night I tacked a blue blanket over the highest loft window. It casts a soft wash of blue light over the whole apartment, fuzzy and damp like a drying cool watercolor. The blanket doesn't keep the room quite dark enough, but that's ok, it's not healthy to live in a cave. It's 1 pm now and I'm still waking up with Flying Lotus and a second batch of coffee. I have laryngitis after 2 days of NAHBS, the coffee is supposed to help. I'm going to practice the lotus pose on the mat today. The mood I'm in now is one of rushing to slow down. In ASAP-speed, I'm going to do 4hour-speed yoga. As Patrick would say. At least having slept after 3 nights of a this big Austin weekend, I'm feeling much more human-like again. I'm still gearing up for breakfast, I'm so hungry my stomach is starting to fall in on itself.
After a stretch I'll make pancakes mixed with blueberries and a little ground fennel pork inside, it will go so well with grandma's maple syrup from Wisconsin, which is almost gone. By this time, it may very well be for dinner.
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